

As I reflect on my first year of college, this is all I have to remember it:

-Chocolate Girl Wonder


A Time Before Crack:

-Chocolate Girl Wonder


I Always Love My Momma:
(she wrote this one)

After a while you learn the subtle differences
between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
and you learn that love doesn't mean leaving,
and company doesn't mean security,
and you begin to understand that kisses aren't contracts,
and presents aren't promises.
All you begin to accept are your defeats with you head held high
and your eyes open,
with the grace of a woman,
not the grief of a child.
You learn to build your roads on today because tomorrows ground is too uncertain for plans,
and futures have a way of failing down in mid-flight.
After awhile you learn that even sunshine, burns if you get too much,
so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul,
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.
and you learn you really can endure,
that you really are strong
and you really do have worth
and you learn and learn...
and your learn with every goodbye,
you learn.

-Chocolate Girl Wonder



i wish i was swimming in the Carribean. Instead, I suffer with the backbreaking job of spring cleaning. It's ruined the entire weekend. I'm stuck uptown, away from everything and everyone. Not to mention the gigantic shit load of homework to do. New Orleans 20 pager on public space and policy. kill me. 

So This bitch above, is the reason for an unsuccessful 420! The original party-on-my-roof plan was not cancelled only by the thunderstorms, but by Molly convincing everyone not to come, so she could take a nap. Don't worry, me and her still had a hell-of-a-time. She's been flipping out about this new ganja that we were gonna buy. (Plans fell through). Apparently, it was originally released by the government or some shit. MUCH weed was gradually diminishing. 

Wednesday evening, I had the pleasure of attending a seminar with Spike Lee. He talked about his new play Passing Strange, and new documentary about Koby Bryant, Koby Doin' Work. Spike's the shit. He definitely arrived to the interview high as a kite, and the british accented moderator couldn't understand why it was taking him ten minutes to answer one question. I was high too, so I was so down. Afterwards, Pam and I had a dinner in silence, still in awe of the magnificent filmmaker. 

New movies by Pam and Molly are in the works. I might be featured throughout both! I'll post them when they are complete. 
So I've been thinking lately... The last day of classes are May 15th. We get kicked out of the 20th street dorm at 12pm on May 19th. That weekend in between will be the most epic of all. I predict that SO MUCH SHIT will go down. (cough*looks who talking...) 

Alex will be back to New York soon, and then for good in August! 

with your feet on your head, you head on the ground... 

-Chocolate Girl Wonder


Good VIBErations:
This is a weeks hard work put into a film. Design and Tech people had to create individual film projects. Pam featured the video on me, as an experiment. Incorporating music, dance and art, "The VIBEration" is a masterpiece.

Hope you enjoy this one,
-Chocolate Girl Wonder


Can't remember who showed me this one originally, but I came across it on a friend from school's facebook. I completely forgot how inspirational, creative and intriging it was... 

-The Chocolate Girl Wonder




-The Chocolate Girl Wonder